How To: Pimp your toy helicopter with a spy camera

How To: Pimp your toy helicopter with a spy camera

Turn an inexpensive RC (remote controlled) helicopter into a flying spycam! Grab their cash and GO! Or just spy on your sister's sleepover party.

How To: Program the ESC for your RC vehicle How To: Repair the remote start system in the ACME RC car How To: Pimp your toy helicopter with a spy camera How To: Clean an RC vehicle kit, engine and air filter How To: Perform high voltage wiring on your RC kit
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Bored in your cubicle all day? It's time for helicopter wars! This video shows you how to make a fun and simple helicopter out of some basic office supplies. The materials you will need are: a big paper clip, a smaller paper clip, a large aluminum can (such as from Rockstar or Monster energy drinks), a ruler, Scotch tape, a rubber band, a pair of pliers (if you have a Leatherman multitool
Chopper Brothers Build Haiti's First DIY Helicopter

How To: Pimp your toy helicopter with a spy camera Extract a spy quality camera & mini-DVR from a Barbie Video Girl fashion doll Pimp your laptop with paint,
Spy Helicopter Camera : Make Your Own! | Cool DIY Project

Turn an inexpensive RC Helicopter into a Flying Spycam! Grab their cash and GO!!! Pimp Your Copter ! rc cameras helicopters spies remote control copter

Spy Helicopter Camera : Make Your Own! | Cool DIY Project How To Turn Your Toy Helicopter Into A Spy off the internet and decided to pimp it to be a spy chopper and a RC. I got a twenty
How to Mod an ordinary webcam into a super spy scope « Hacks

How To: Pimp your toy helicopter with a spy camera How To: Install Linux on an iPod How To: Install a click wheel in a 1st generation iPod Nano How To: Replace the battery or LCD screen in an iPod Nano How To: Instal an LCD screen into an iPod Mini
How to Make a flying helicopter out of office supplies

How To: Pimp your toy helicopter with a spy camera How To: Fly a RC helicopter using cyclic and rudder controls How To: Understand how helicopters work How To: Hack a Brother KH-930e knitting machine to receive any digital pattern
How to Keep the ground crew safe around helicopter loads

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How to Pimp out your iPod « iPod & MP3 Players :: WonderHowTo

How to Pimp your toy helicopter with a spy camera « Hacks

How To: Pimp your toy helicopter with a spy camera How To: Set up a Canon digital camera as a webcam for digital chat How To: Install Super Mario on your TI-84 calculator How To: Make a sneaky, snake spy camera that records video
How to Set up and modify a remote control helicopter « Remote

This video tutorial program is designed to promote ground crew safety when working under and around helicopters during external load operations. This is not a safety-training and is only intended to be used with the participation of a ground crew safety officer, trainer or other qualified personnel.
Pimp Your Copter - Metacafe - Online Video Entertainment


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