News: Hidden Web Browser Found in New Nook Touch Reader
It's not listed as one of the features on the updated Nook e-reader, but there is a web browser hidden inside Barnes & Noble's newest device, you just need to know how to access it. The eBook Reader shows the clandestine web browser on the Simple Touch Reader in the video below, and it's fairly easy to access. Just open up the Nook's search function, type a URL into the search bar and hit the go button. It's that simple.The e-ink display doesn't make for the best browsing experience, and the functionality of the undocumented browser is a little buggy, especially when it comes to scrolling, zooming and clicking on hyperlinks, but it's pretty handy if you need to visit a website real quick and all you have is your Nook e-reader. For a fully functional web browser, you'll probably have to root your device or hope for a pleasant update from B&N. Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.
Welcome to another Good e-Reader Exclusive Video Tutorial! Today we are going to show you how to access the hidden internet web browser found in the new Barnes and Noble Simple Touch with
How to Turn pages on your Nook e-reader by swiping - Tablets
One early Nook touch buyer has uncovered a hidden feature. It's not listed on any feature sheet, but the new Nook Touch has a web browser. The MobileRead user super16 is reporting that: If you type in a URL under Search on the Nook Simple Touch, it launches a web browser. I'm not sure if this is
How to Find the Hidden Browser on the Nook Glowlight Plus
News: Hidden Web Browser Found in New Nook Touch Reader How To: Add Extra Storage Space to Your Microsoft Surface That Your Apps Can Actually Use How To: Add a photo to individual contacts on the Samsung Galaxy Tab How To: Connect a Bluetooth Mouse and Keyboard to your iPad (or iPhone
Nook Touch has a hidden web browser | The Digital Reader
Hidden Web Browser Found in New Nook Touch Reader
The Nook GlowLight doesn't officially have a web browser, but like the Nook Touch and Nook Touch with GlowLight before it, there's a hidden web browser that can be accessed if you know the special trick. The browser doesn't work very well and is very limited but it does function somewhat if you really need to use it for something.
nook simple touch - Good e-Reader
So it turns out that you don't even need to root the new Nook Touch to get a web browser, it has one hidden in the search feature.. It's true. All you have to do is hit the little "n" icon below the Nook Touch's screen, tap the search icon, then enter a url into the search (just end a word with .com, .net, etc), and suddenly a hidden web browser launches!
How to Access the Hidden Internet Browser on Nook Simple
It's not listed as one of the features on the updated Nook e-reader, but there is a web browser hidden inside Barnes & Noble's newest device, you just need to know how to access it. The eBook
New Nook Touch has hidden Web browser - CNET
It's not listed as one of the features on the updated Nook e-reader, but there is a web browser hidden inside Barnes & Noble's newest device, you just need to know how to access it. The eBook Reader shows the clandestine web browser on the Simple Touch Reader in the video below, and it's fairly easy to access.
Hidden Web Browser Found In New Nook Touch Reader
Buried inside the new Nook Touch's search bar is a hidden Web browser. It's far from fully baked, but hopefully it will be some day.
The Nook Touch has a Hidden Web Browser! (Video) | The eBook
The Barnes and Noble Nook Simple Touch with Glowlight is the second iteration of their Simple Touch e-reader line. With the advent of any new device the previous generation often goes down in price.
Barnes & Noble's latest (and probably final) ereader doesn't have quite as many nifty software features as earlier models, but it does still have a few hidden options. For example, one MobileRead member has discovered that the Glowlight Plus has a hidden web browser (just like previous models). You
How to Access Hidden Web Browser on Nook GlowLight (Video
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