How To: Speed up your PHP code to improve website performance

How To: Speed up your PHP code to improve website performance
Google is the biggest and best search engine on Earth, and if you are a webmaster and want your website to be a big success it would really behoove you to know as much about how it works as possible. The Google Webmasters series of videos and website were created to teach webmasters, SEO professionals, and others how Google works by answering their questions and giving them insights into how they can best integrate and utilize Google's functionality to improve their business. This video will show you a couple of tricks for coding PHP that will run faster, allowing your website to load faster and perform better both for Google and your users. Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.

Since PHP is interpreted into executable code extemporaneously, programmers don't have to pause to compile code every time they make a small change. Unfortunately, recompiling identical code every time it runs on your website slows performance, which is why opcode cache, or OPCache is very useful.
20 Ways to Speed Up Your Website - and Improve Conversion by 7%

As you improve your site, you can use Google's recommendations and benchmarks to set your goals and measure your performance. After all — as the largest search engine in the world, Google can have a major impact on your success. So using their standards as your standards is never a bad idea. How to speed up your website in 2019
3 Ways to Speed up Your Site with PHP - Code Envato Tuts+

Hi thanks for sharing your tips on how to speed up a website. I just used WP Total Cache plugin, according to your suggestion, and saw a dramatic increase in speed … by 7%. I think I will implement other tips shared here - use CDN (free plan), and light themes - to boost website page load. Thanks for sharing
Best Practices for Increasing Website Performance

We all know how financially important it is for your app's server architecture to handle peaks of load. This article discusses 5 tips for improving PHP Web performance.
How to Speed up your PHP code to improve website performance

How Can I Improve My Web Site Code for SEO? Bad code can contribute to the majority of performance problems. Writing tight HTML, JavaScript, and CSS code will speed up a web site. What are ways to write tight code? Actually, it is pretty easy. Here are a few. Pure CSS Design
How to Speed up Website (WordPress) without Changing Web Host

5 Things You Should Check Now to Improve PHP Web - DZone

One of the most important aspects of improving a web page's performance is minimizing the number of round trips that the browser needs to make to the server. Every file that your website includes (such as CSS, JavaScript or images) all need to be downloaded to the browser. By minimizing these requests you will speed up the page significantly.
How to Improve Your Page Load Speed by 70 - Venture Harbour

In 2006, Amazon reported that for every 100 milliseconds they speed up their website, they see a 1% increase in revenue. Then Google announced, in an effort to improve the web, that page speed was a consideration in how they rank search results. Since then, there've been no shortages of case studies showing the benefits of having a fast site.

But if you are using free blogging publishing service, try to speed up your blog by analyzing speed of your widgets / plugins first. My blog is on Blogger, and I managed to reduce the load time from 2s to less than 1.5s just by removing Blogger NavBar and one widget.
Improving PHP Performance for Web Applications - KeyCDN

How To: Use HipHop for PHP to improve website performance How To: Design and code a website from scratch with HTML, CSS jQuery & PHP How To: Omit optional HTML tags to improve your site's speed and Google ranking
15 Tips to Speed Up Your Website - Moz

In this tutorial I have shown you a few handy but simple ways to speed up your site with a dash of PHP. I really hope that you find them useful and that you can apply them to a project in the future. How do you improve your site's performance? Follow us on Twitter, or subscribe to the NETTUTS RSS Feed for more daily web development tuts and
Web Developer's Guide: How to Speed Up Your Website


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