How To: Root the Motorola Droid X smartphone with ADB

How To: Root the Motorola Droid X smartphone with ADB
Yes, the Droid X from Motorola can be rooted, and yes, you can do it at home. Just make sure you follow the directions precisely. If you succeed, you'll have a completely rooted smartphone. eFuse doesn't matter. If you want to expand your options on Verizon Wireless's Droid X, then you just have to take a chanceĆ¢€¦ use this video in conjunction with the links and description below. This was done on Windows 7 x64, so the steps may change slightly depending on which version of Windows you use. If this process doesn't work for you, try the root guide for without ADB. Files Needed: * Droid X Root_v2 (.ZIP file)* ADB Driver_v3 ADB USB Drivers (.ZIP file)* Android SDK (.ZIP file) Credit for this hack goes to Sebastian Kramer, Birdman, [mbm] for the root instructions. Original instructions and support thread are at All Droid. First set of commands:adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apkadb push su /sdcard/suadb push busybox /sdcard/busyboxadb push exploid /sqlite_stmt_journals/exploidadb shellcd sqlite_stmt_journalschmod 755 exploid Next set: ./exploidrootshellType in password "secretlol Last set: cp /sdcard/Superuser.apk /system/app/Superuser.apkcp /sdcard/su /system/bin/sucp /sdcard/busybox /system/bin/busyboxchmod 4755 /system/bin/suchmod 4755 /system/bin/busyboxrm /system/bin/rootshellexitexit Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.

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