How To: Get around your school's Websense filter with Hopster
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to bypass web-sense filter using the software, Hopster. This program allows users to bypass firewall, bypass proxy and HTTP tunnel. To download this program, go to Google and search for the program. Click on the first result and select download. Once the file is downloaded, double-click on it and follow the instructions to install the program. This program runs silently and invisibly so that the administrator won't be able to detect it. This video will benefit those viewers who are using a computer that has blocked proxy and would like to learn how to bypass it to access websites. Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.
Are you having problems charging your phone? Do you have to wiggle the cable or get it placed just right before it starts charging? Instead of paying for an expensive "repair" or replacement, you
How to Fix Fast Charging Issues with Samsung Phones
iPhone X: Here's everything you need to know about Apple's best phone yet Here's a glimpse at the absolutely gorgeous, never released golden iPhone X
iPhone X: Everything You Need to Know About Apple's Most
Why do most optical mice use red LEDs? Is it necessary that a mouse's LED is red? What other colors can/can't be used? Does using another color changes the main design of the mouse? Does it makes manufacturing mouses harder or more expensive?
Optical mouse - Wikipedia
This video demonstrates how to install Webmin via SSH. Once you've downloaded the Webmin interface package, you'll want to install it onto your serve. In order to do that, you'll need to depackage it.
How a file or module can be upload in moodle using FTP
If you want to relive your Space Invaders days, or play other popular Atari games like Pitfall!, Adventure, Atlantis, and Missile Command, I'm going to show you right now how you can do so directly on your Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (or other Android device).
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Play on free online Action game Galaxy Invaders! This free online game of Galaxy Invaders is an advanced version of the famous Space Invaders arcade game. Move your mouse to move your spaceship, and click your mouse to fire at the marching invaders. Press tge CTRL key to launch missiles if you have them.
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Oavsett hur cool min 3D live tapeter är, eller hur ofta mina Google Nu-tapeter automatiskt ändras, vill jag alltid ha mer bakgrund. Zedge har gjort det lätt för mig att hitta nya och 500 Firepaper hjälper mig att hålla min bakgrund livlig med roterande tapeter, men det räcker inte med.
How to Give Each Home Screen Page Its Own Unique Wallpaper
If you have an iPhone, you more than likely use or will use a case to protect it. That means, at some point you'll have to figure out how to install your case and how to remove it. It may seem pretty straight forward but if your case is super form fitting and/or a snap-on case, it might be a little more difficult than it seems.
How to Install & Remove Presidio for iPhone 7/iPhone 7 Plus
xda-developers Essential Phone Essential Phone ROMs, Kernels, Recoveries, & Other Development XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from customizing the look and feel to adding new functionality.
How to install a custom ROM on Essential PH-1 - YouTube
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Our reviewers spent 42 hours testing one of the most popular Blackberry cell phones on the market. They took it home and experimented with its various features — from texting to taking photos — to evaluate what its and strengths and flaws really were.
How to Unlock a BlackBerry Curve - Techspirited
The Universal Serial Bus (USB) standard has been with us for many years, but making USB devices is still a daunting task. Find out how to make it easier. How To Create And Program USB Devices
Learn To Use ATtiny85 USB Mini Development Board
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